

Frontend Developer


( September 2023 - Present )

Working as an Jr.Frontend Developer, in OpeninApp a smart link generator tool that ensures all social media links open in the apps as they should.

Collaborating with the development team to implement front-end features and functionalities using Next.js.


Jr Developer Intern

Developed dynamic and responsive interfaces with Next.js, Jotai, and Tailwind CSS.

Managed async API requests for dynamic content rendering, achieving a 25% improvement.

Integrated WebSocket (Pusher) for real-time updates and dynamic notifications in the platform.


Public Cloud Intern

@Getronics Pvt Limited

( March 2023 - May 2023 )

Worked as an Public Cloud Intern in Azure and AWS Environments Respectively.

Implemented security measures such as access control and network security groups to ensure the integrity of Azure resources.

Automated repetitive tasks and processes using PowerShell, Azure CLI, or Azure Resource Manager

Optimized cloud costs and generated reports for resource usage using CoreStack.

Getronics Pvt Limited

Front-End Developer Intern

@Project42 Labs

( May 2022 - Aug 2022 )

Worked as an Frontend Developer performing tasks such as seamlessly Integrating frontend with Server Rest API.

Collaborated with back-end developers and designers to strike a balance between functional and aesthetic design.

Made Use of React Context API to create central store for State Management and dependency injection.

Also worked with latest technologies in react ecosystem such as NextJS and Strapi.

Project42 Labs